
Oxford University Press Student Prize

Entries will be accepted for the Oxford University Press Student Prize, to be awarded to the best student paper presented at the Song, Stage and Screen conference, June 2025. The prize will be a $150 book voucher from Oxford University Press, as well as recognition at the conference.

Any conference presenter currently enrolled at a tertiary institution will be eligible for the Student Prize.

Applications are due on June 11, 2025, and should be emailed to

Applications should include:

  1. Title of the paper

  2. Name and contact details of the applicant

  3. Name of the institution and degree being studied

  4. Abstract as accepted for the conference

  5. Script of the presentation

  6. Bibliography of works cited

Applications will be assessed on:

  1. Academic merit of the paper in its field(s) in terms of new findings and/or new readings of existing knowledge

  2. Clarity and efficacy of structure, language, argument, and use of sources

  3. Presentation skills, including clarity of presentation, slides, and ability to respond to questions.

The winner of the Student Prize will be announced at the business meeting at the conference.

Methuen Drama Prize for Best Essay on the Musical

Entries will be accepted for the Methuen Drama Prize for an article or chapter of exceptional merit that focuses on the musical, published in a peer reviewed journal or edited book with a 2024 publication date. The prize will be a $150 book voucher from Bloomsbury, as well as recognition at the annual Song, Stage and Screen conference (June 2025).

Any person who is a member of ISSM at the time of submission will be eligible to self-nominate their work.

Applications are due on March 15, 2025, and should be emailed to

Applications should include:

  1. Title of the article or chapter

  2. Name and contact details of the applicant

  3. Abstract

  4. Published text of the article or chapter (PDF)

Applications will be assessed on:

  1. Academic merit of the work in its field(s) in terms of new findings and/or new readings of existing knowledge.

  2. Clarity and efficacy of structure, language, argument, and use of sources.

Song, Stage and Screen Travel Grant

The purpose of this grant is to aid those with little or no financial support for conference travel to attend the 2025 Song, Stage and Screen conference. Contingent faculty members, independent scholar members, or student members of the ISSM are eligible to apply. While all eligible ISSM members will be considered, priority may be given to those presenting at the conference. For 2025, either one award of $500 or two awards of $250 each will be offered, at the discretion of the granting panel.

Applications should include:

  1. Name and contact details of the applicant

  2. A short (250 words or less) biography

  3. A short (500 words or less) statement outlining how receiving a grant will support the applicant’s research, teaching, and/or service.

A PDF of the above should be sent to Applications are due on Friday, February 14. The awardee(s) will be announced in early March.

Awardees will receive a check at the Song, Stage & Screen conference.

Awards are a benefit of ISSM membership and all members are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Previous Winners

Oxford University Press Student Prize

2024: Adin Walker